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Conference Committee

Dr. David Chua Sing Ngie, University Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia Dr. Emna Aridhi, University of Carthage, Tunisia Dr. Xiaochun Cheng, Swansea University, UK (IEEE Member)

Dr. Yasmina Belaroussi, Center for Development of Advanced Technologies, Algeria Dr. Sachin Kumar, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, India  Prof. M.A.JABBAR, VARDHAMAN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, India (IEEE Senior Member) Prof. Fadi HAGE CHEHADE, Institut Supérieur du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics, France Prof. Giampiero Chiaselotti, University of Calabria, Italy Prof. Jesualdo Tomás Fernández Breis, IEEE Member, University of Murcia, Spain

Program Committee

International Technical Committee

Assoc. Prof. Zhaoxia Wang, IEEE Member, Singapore Management University, Singapore Assoc. Prof. Miqing Li, IEEE Member, University of Birmingham, UK Asst. Prof. Lifang He, IEEE Member, Lehigh University, United States Asst. Prof. Pingtong Liu, University of Massachusetts Amherst, United States Asst. Prof. Wendy Yanez Pazmino, IEEE Member, University of Birmingham, UK Asst. Prof. Tao Chen, IEEE Member, University of Birmingham, UK

Submission Portal

Mail Address: icaemse@sub-paper.com

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